iLead cover


Become a thought leader of tomorrow. Lead any role you desire to choose, be successful in life.

Instructor: Kidzpreneur

Language: English

Validity Period: Lifetime

₹17999 27% OFF

₹12999 including 18% GST

About the course- Entrepreneurship is not only restricted to starting your own business but it is far more useful and relevant whether run your venture or have a job. In the course children will explore and learn entrepreneurial skills required to lead a healthy, happy and productive professional lives. The course explores different concepts like ideation communication, design thinking with a specific focus on developing creative abilities, in depth of understanding of problem solving approaches, better understand of finances, etc. 


  • Ideation 
  • Problem Solving 
  • Design Thinking 
  • Idea Validation 
  • Communication 
  • Marketing 
  • Finance 
  • Pitch 
  • Final Presentation and Submission 

Skills- Creative Thinking, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Decision Making,  Consumer Behaviour,  Analytical Thinking, Communication, etc

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