The Local Handyman Aggregator! 

 A child, named Madhav, from a slum area of Delhi, wanted to do something for the betterment of the lives of the people in his community. He thought long and hard, and then conducted a SWOT analysis. Post this analysis, his inference was that he can help the handymen of his area, by functioning as an aggregator for them. By creating a list of all the handymen of his community, he could efficiently facilitate their services to the nearby geography, and expand the scope of their clientele! Madhav was supported by us in his rooted, and very practical idea. Kidzpreneur helped him create excel documentation and manage information about the handymen. Madhav, on his part, put in all the marketing and outreach efforts himself. He decided to charge a commission of Rs. 50 per booking for his services, thereby creating his revenue model. Observing the realization and growth process of this idea was very gratifying for the Kidzpreneur team. The idea was well-intention, and executed immaculately with a macro-view of what such a business model would need. Madhav was also a thorough professional, and he did not function without his business cards, which announce the name of his venture and his designation proudly!

Scribbling for the Environment!

A girl, named Deepti, who studied in class 7th, was very worried with what graphite based, wood covered pencils do to the environment. The raw materials used in traditional pencils are not the most environment friendly, and there must be an alternate, thought Deepti. And thus was born the ‘clay pencil’. Students cannot do away with writing, but they need an environmentally sensitive writing tool to take notes, draft answers, scribble ideas or simply, doodle away! To the Kidzpreneur team, this seemed like a unique and futuristic thought process, and so we did the only thing we were supposed to – empower Deepti. We helped her draft the entire proof of concept for the creation and manufacture of such pencils, so she can herself assess the efficacy of her idea. This project was undertaken as a part of our work on the UN SDGs, wherein we were looking for solutions for 17 issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals. An idea, like that by Deepti, can lead to a tremendous positive impact on the environment, something all of us must urgently contribute to!