Three failed startups and now a successful entrepreneur. “Life has come to a complete standstill We don’t know how many people this virus will kill This lockdown seems like an endless drill. This virus has left a deep void which will never fill Think of the laborers who are stuck in a cage. Their on...
Mrs. Kaul believes that these unforeseen circumstances are not difficult times, but different times. She overlooks at the challenges with a lense of immense courage and confidence. She also claims, that when we will change our perspective, times shall pass more gracefully. Time is the best teacher a...
As satirical as it may sound, this is the most critical solution to today’s hyperactive and sensitive lifestyles. Today life has become so engaging that taking out time for some creative space has become challenging. The child often finds himself trapped into a never-ending circle full of responsibi...
We have been teleported to a new decade that transitions faster than previous ones. Global career market is reshaping at an incredible pace ever. The times we live in have changed the context of an ideal lifestyle, an ideal job etc. Our beliefs around an ideal career have changed drastically too. Ch...
Say Yes to New Adventures Kids, how much we can learn from their curiosity, ability to explore and unexpected solution they reach in their quest for solutions. With our new initiative to make an impact in young lives as early as possible and empower them with practical tools and process driven metho...